Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Old Covenant or New Covenant... how about Same Covenant

This Easter one story that was highlighted in scripture to me was in the book of John chapter 20 and verse 12 we read, "...and she saw two angels in white sitting, one at the head and one at the feet, where the body of Jesus had been lying."

What she would have seen would have been very familiar to her.  As she gazed upon these 2 angels and the way that they sat it may have look something like this photo to the left.  She would have known what this was.

Imagine this.  An angel at the left and at the right (at the head and the foot where He had laid).  And in between the angels the  blood stain of the Lamb of GOD.  The stain from the blood that would cover the sins of the world.  The blood stain that would move GOD to "pass over" us and forgive and move in mercy.  Amazing!  There in between those angles GOD's mercy seen as revealed in His poured out blood.  She would have noticed... The Arc.


The Arc of the Covenant (pictured right).  Notice the angles on each side of the arc?  Look like John 20:12.

And what about in between the Angels?  The Mercy Seat of GOD.  This is where once a year the Priest would sprinkle blood between the angles on the Mercy Seat as a symbol of GOD's blood covering on the Day of Atonement.  

 On that day, the high priest was to perform  rituals to atone for the sins of the people. Described in Leviticus 16:1-34  

On top of the ark was a lid called the mercy seat on which rested the cloud or visible manifestation (via smoke or fire) of GOD.  Here GOD was seated, and from this place He would give mercy to man when the blood of the atonement was sprinkled there as symbol of the blood covering what laid inside The Arc.

What was inside the arc?  3 items:
  1. Aaron's Budding Rod which would represent mankind;s rejection of God's chosen leadership
  2. The 10 Commandments which were broken represents mankind's rejection of God's law.
  3. The Manna would represent mankind's rejection of God's provision.
So God's own blood as through Himself in the person of Jesus COVERED and made ATONEMENT for our selfish ways (rejecting God's laws, rejecting His provision and rejecting His leadership), as did the sprinkling of the blood on the Day of Atonement.  

Old Covenant (symbolically) and New Covenant (physically) being the Same Covenant.

Amazing!  Reflecting on this gives me shivers... The New Covenant as brought by GOD though Jesus.  No more ritual.  No more Temple... we are His Temple.  And we are the place where the GOD of the universe dwells.  In our hearts through the New Covenant.
What a beautiful picture of what GOD did for sacrificing Himself as the Atonement for sins and covering them,

Thank you Jesus for what you did!

Hope this helps...


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