Sunday, September 6, 2015

You know where ancient Jericho currently is... who cares?

A few months back I was listening to a sermon and was challenged.  In Revelation 2:5 it says,  "Therefore remember from where you have fallen, and repent and do the deeds you did at first..."

The part that really stuck out to me was "do the deeds you did at first".  I started asking myself... "When I first surrendered my heart to Jesus on October 27th 1993 what were the things I used to do?" I started going though a list and I discovered that I had stopped doing certain things (in my "22 years as a Believer I passed it off as "I am maturing" and do not have to do the things I used to do).  That's WRONG!

One of the main areas was the "revelatory" reading of His Word.  I used to sit down and read the Word and get revelation ALL THE TIME!  God speaking to me about Flesh and Blood (John 6) or the vine that grew over Jonah etc...  Bible reading had turned into a historic journey over the years... and I was trying to see "in context" what Jesus said and where He was in time and space.  This is NOT WRONG... BUT for me it was killing my reading and I believe it is only seeing His Word 2 dimensionally when there are 500 dimensions to it : )

That was a fun way for me to read but I was missing out on a larger aspect of His Word... His Living and Active and Growing Word. 
It was no longer about how the Word of God can change me.  It was about the knowledge I received.  It is not enough that we know about the Bible... even the demons know (James 2:19, " You believe that God is one. You do well; the demons also believe, and shudder.")  Or that we know who Paul wrote to and that there may be other letters from the Corinthians.  What the biggest deal is, is "AM I CHANGING AS A RESULT OF READING HIS WORD?"  Am I becoming more like Jesus?  Am I applying the Galatians passage about the fruits of the Spirit?  Am I applying the Sermon on the Mount?  Am I preferring my brother and loving my neighbor and caring for the widow and being hospitable?  This is the key.  This is the reason we have His Word. To be doers of the Word not just hearers like it says in  James 1:22, "But prove yourselves doers of the word, and not merely hearers who delude themselves.".

God gave us His word so that we would be more like Him.  That we can see Him revealed in His Word.  So we could see His plan of redemption and salvation.  So that we could see how He has operated through history.  Not so that I can impress you with where ancient Jericho currently stands.  Who cares.

When we drift from the Word He has given us and make it to be a text/history book I think we miss out on a lot.   The drift can happen subtly.  We begin to read other books on subjects we love.  Or on ministry areas we love.  I love the Muslim world so I read and read and read about Islam and the cultures.  I have to ask myself periodically, "Ezra are you reading more about Islam than you are in my His Word?"  Or am I reading more from famous authors/preachers and theologians than I am spending time in His Word? 

Or how about how we often let our culture and current event dictate to us what Gods Word says (that is a blog for another day)?  Read the Bible... you will see how we ought to behave (1 John 2:26, 1 Tim 3:15, 2 Tim 2:24) and what is sin and what is not sin.  Read the Bible we will see.  Many of us do not bother.  I have asked students in many different states and nations how long does it take to read the Bible?  Some have said "Years"!  In actuality we can read from Genesis to Revelation in 72 hours.  We can do this.  We can take time to hear what He has to say through this supernatural, unequaled, wonderful, easy to read, accurate, unadulterated, inspired and infallible Book.  The Enemy has tried to deceive us into thinking we cannot understand this book... or that it takes too ling.  Stop that lie!

Its OK that I read other authors and indulge in current events and ministry focuses, but ask yourself, "Whens the last time God gave ME revelation from His word... and not revelation from some author?"

So in conclusion:  I am not saying studying the Scripture from a historical context is bad, it was not helping me.  We must read it both ways.  Also, am I spending as much time in Gods Word as I am in my area of interest?  This is important.

Hope this helps.

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Creating Possibilities and Options With God

I was reading today in Genesis and in chapter 2 a verse really struck me.  In verse 19 it says this,
Genesis 2:19
“Out of the ground the LORD God formed every beast of the field and every bird of the sky, and brought them to the man to see what he would call them; and whatever the man called a living creature, that was its name.” NASB

The part of the verse that really stood out was this phrase, “…and brought them to the man to see what he would call them.”

It appears in scripture that God lets the man name the animals what ever he pleased and whatever the man named them God said, “OK. that's a turtle (or whatever it was in that language)”.  As God let Adam do this He observed like a loving Father and listened to what His friend Adam named the animals (and notice in scripture there is total freedom. God doesn't correct or instruct or micro manage.  He just simply waits to see what the man will do, “…to see what he would call them…”).  I get a picture of God getting great joy out of watching this and being utterly amused and amazed at what names Adam comes up with.   Sometimes being deeply impressed with what just came out of His “creations” mouth.  He may have just simply enjoyed hearing what His friend was coming up with.   Of course God could have named all the animals but I truly think this was a beautiful picture of what God wants to do with us.  How He wants to be in communion with us.  To be in unity and with us.

As a parent have you ever been astonished or marveled at what your kids just said?  Sometimes it may be hilarious or sometimes very very mature for their age or sometimes… very horrific!  The point is, on a human level we can be amazed or astonished (i.e. surprised) by what our kids come up with.  Why can’t God be amazed by what comes out of our mouths?  In the New Testament we see Jesus (God incarnate) being “astonished” at their lack of faith in Mark 6:6 (and Luke 7:9).  The word “astonished” in the Greek is θαυμάζω (thou ma zo) means to marvel.  “Marvel”, according to Merriem-Webster means “be filled with wonder or astonishment.”  "Wonder",  according to Merriem-Webster means “a feeling of surprise…”  So Jesus Himself was “surprised”.  Which would lead me to think that as Adam named things God “marveled” or was “surprised" to see what His friend was naming them. 

I believe He wants us to create with Him as detailed in this passage (Genesis 2:19).  Adam heard the voice of God (first he listened to Gods voice) and in obedience the next part was naming the animals (second he took action).  Adam heard Gods command, “Name the animals” (this is not actually a “command” recorded in scripture but rather implied in the scripture), and he responded with obedience.  This is the lesson.  As we are obedient to the call of God and His voice and directions we will make decisions and open up possibility's and options that may not ever have existed unless I am obedient to follow His voice and directions.  Your choice matters.  Your words count!

I was speaking to my daughters about this the other night and our oldest says, “So my obedience and choice could actually effect the history of the world?”  And I responded with a very quick, “Yes!”.  This is how important our obedience and desire to hear His voice is.  The future of our family, city, nation etc… could hang in the balance.  This shouldn’t bring fear it should bring excitement!  It should get us to think that our prayers, evangelism and intercession have influence and can make a HUGE difference in the world.  It can alter history!  You are a history maker with God!  Live like it and talk like it!

Hope this helps!